Dr. Johannes Zimmermann, Mag. iur.

Attorney at Law and PartnerSpecialist lawyer for tenancy and residential property law
Dr. Johannes Zimmermann works exclusively in the field of commercial tenancy law.
He is also a lecturer at the Hessian University of Police and Administration (real estate and construction law) and works in many ways as a lecturer in the context of specialised lectures on tenancy law and commercial landlord and tenant law, for example at the Studieninstitut für kommunale Verwaltung Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. in Halle and Magdeburg.
Dr. Johannes Zimmermann advises and negotiates in the run-up to the conclusion of contracts or planned amendments to long-term commercial leases. The focus of his judicial work is on the enforcement of eviction claims, contractual and post-contractual payment claims or the determination of legal issues important to the tenancy.

Consulting fields
Negotiation and drafting of commercial leases for existing properties or properties under construction.
Review of commercial leases, in particular of general terms and conditions of business
Examination and enforcement of rent adjustments, e.g. indexation
Examination of statements of operating costs
Examination of written form defects, earlier termination of term contracts
Advice in connection with insolvency law issues in commercial leases
Commitments / Memberships
German Tenancy Court Association e.V.
Association for German-Italian Legal Studies e.V. (Board)
German Society for Comparative Law e.V.
Zimmermann, Der Bauträger in Deutschland und Italien, in: Schriften zu Verbraucherrecht und Verbraucherwissenschaften (Volume 9) - JWV, Jena 2017.
Zimmermann, Transparent contracts avoid disputes, published in: Privates Eigentum, issue 07/2017, Recht und Steuern, p. 8 f.
Zimmermann, Gewerberaummietverträge in der Praxis, published in: Privates Eigentum 10/2014, p. 8 f.
Kins and Zimmermann, Die Kosten der Rüge - Zum Ersatz der im Vergabeverfahren entstandenen Anwaltskosten vor Anrufung der Vergabekammer, VergabeR - Zeitschrift für das gesamte Vergaberecht, Heft 5/2014, pp. 641-648.