Dr. Erik Hintz, LL.M. (NYU)

Photo von Dr. Erik Hintz, LL.M. (NYU)

Attorney at Law and PartnerLicencié en Droit (Aix-Marseille)Attorney-at-Law (New York)

Erik Hintz advises and represents business entities in various industries in a comprehensive manner, in cross border as well as in the domestic context. 
Among his clients are innovative technology companies, including medical device manufacturers and automotive suppliers. 
He supports them in their operational business and in strategic projects.  
His field of activity includes competition, bankruptcy, IP and labor law issues as well as diverse litigation.  

Erik Hintz also has special expertise in business transactions and corporate law, including international and insolvency law constellations.

Photo von Dr. Erik Hintz, LL.M. (NYU)

He found his way to SWM Rechtsanwälte in March 2016. Previously, since September 2007, he had practiced, also with a focus on international matters, in a law firm supporting medium-sized business entities. He started his practice as attorney in June 2000 in a Frankfurt business law firm in banking and corporate law as well as M&A and private equity, after which he continued his work in these areas in Munich.  Erik Hintz subsequently also dealt with international bankruptcy law. He completed the legal clerkship in the New York office of a major US law firm.

Consulting fields

Commercial and corporate law

Contract and general terms and conditions

Medical device law

Transaction advice and support

Corporate finance

Competition law

Bankruptcy law (including international and employment law references)


Law studies at the University of Passau and at Ruprecht-Karls-University, Heidelberg

License en Droit at the Université Aix-Marseille

Legal clerkship in Heidelberg and New York City

Master's degree with a focus on corporate law (“Corporations”) at New York University

Doctorate at the school of law of Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, with a focus on European business law

Admitted as an attorney in Germany (Rechtsanwalt) in 2000

Admitted to the New York bar in 2005

Commitments / Memberships

German-American Lawyers' Association (DAJV)






Email: hintz@swm-legal.eu

Phone: 49 (0)711 49004 248

Fax: 49 (0)711 49004 224


Insolvenz und Arbeitsrecht

Arbeitshilfe für Betriebsräte zu Arbeitspflicht/Gehalt, Rolle des Verwalters, Betriebsschließung/-übergang, 3. Auflage 2019, Verlag Vahlen (zus. mit Elke Lill)

German Law on Cash Pooling in the Insolvency Context
In: International Corporate Rescue, Ausgabe 2, März 2007 (zus. mit A. Tashiro)

Die Unternehmensbeleihung im europäischen Binnenmarkt – Die grenzüberschreitende Bestellung von Unternehmenshypotheken nach französischem, englischem und schwedischem Recht im Kontext der Kapitalverkehrsfreiheit
(Diss., 2006)

Der Fall Microsoft
In: Newsletter der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Juristen-Vereinigung (DAJV) 1/2000, S. 1–7.